Most of my articles on yoga appeared originally at 
and had a combined readership of over 20,000. So, read on and share you comments!
Amongst its many meanings and uses, yoga has gained mass popularity mainly as a health and wellness discipline nowadays. Certainly, ...
How Yoga Can Be Useful to the Blind?
Rahul and the Demons
and had a combined readership of over 20,000. So, read on and share you comments!
The Last New Year's Resolution I Will Ever Need
I need to: quit smoking, become vegetarian, lose weight, gain muscles, be nicer to people, meditate more, spend less time of Facebook and Instagram...
I need to: quit smoking, become vegetarian, lose weight, gain muscles, be nicer to people, meditate more, spend less time of Facebook and Instagram...
Amongst its many meanings and uses, yoga has gained mass popularity mainly as a health and wellness discipline nowadays. Certainly, ...

I have taught free yoga classes to male students of a vocational
training center for the visually impaired in Bangalore...

A transformative thriller for kids. They won't let you stop reading
until the suspense is resolved... Rahul was a pretty boy. B...
Ten Yamas and Niyamas are the fundamental pillars of Raja Yoga.
Since they are so important, how can we practice them daily in our
Always multitasking, even if there is time to do things one by
one? Hankering for a snack, drink or a cigarette every 15 minutes? If
Stiffness is a natural state of the body. Most of us begin our yoga
journey here. Who hasn't worried about being stiff? Fitnes...
Ecology is the study of energy flows between organisms and their
environment. Raja Yoga (a.k.a. ‘royal yoga’, Ashtanga...
The Spirit of the Sixties Or How New Age Started

The popularity of yoga in the West is a strong example that the
sixties have left a strong legacy in the mass culture.
Anyone who has seen a picture of T. Krishnamacharya practicing yoga at
the age 50 will be convinced that intense yoga practice can shape...
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